Tutorial Cryptohero Lengkap Bahasa Indonesia | Cryptocurrency Indonesia

English is so fun and joyful


English Exercises







1. The candidates ______ have submitted their application letters will have to come for

an interview.
A. who
B. whom
C. which
D. whose
E. where
2. This is the best picture of my mother ______ I have ever taken.
A. who
B. whom
C. where
D. whose
E. which
3. The lady ______ this letter is addressed has moved to another city.
A. who
B. to which
C. to whom
D. whom
E. which
4. This is the club ______ he is the president.
A. which
B. whom
C. of whom
D. to whom
E. of which
5. You'll have to call me early in the morning; ………., I will have left for work.
a. however         c. furthermore             e. consequently
b. otherwise         d. moreover
6. My uncle doesn't earn much, ………, he can send his children to college.
a. however         c. therefore             e. so
b. and             d. hence


7. ……… she likes him very much, she always pretends to ignore him.
a. Since         c. Whereas             e. Eventhough
b. Because         d However


8. The hotel provides good facilities; yet ………..
a. the occupancy rate is very low
b. foreign tourist like to stay there
c. it is located on a beautiful beach
d. job training is provided for the employees
e. it is advertised in the yellow pages


9. John is a very lazy student; besides, …………
a. he is good in extra-curricular activities
b. he always does his homework
c. he prefers studying until late night
d. he never pays attention in class
e. he sometimes practices English


10. They…………..the trip if they had known she was sick.
a. had postponed         c. will have postponed     e. would postponed
b. would have postponed     d. would postpone


11. Katty ……….. you if she had your phone number.
a. will call             c. called             e. would had called
b. would call             d. would have called
12. Aisyah : Will you come to the meeting?
Kirana : I don't know. I can't make up my mind.
What is the topic we're going to talk about?
Aisyah : Water supplies for our village. It's interesting, isn't it?
Kirana : Okay then. I will come if it…….
a. doesn't rain             c. didn't rain             e. won't rain
b. isn't raining         d. hasn't rained


13. Had she found the right buyer, she …… the house.
a. would have sold         c. will sell         e. sells
b. would sell             d. sold


14. 'Had the company been fair in giving bonuses, the employees would not have gone strike.'
From the above sentence, we may conclude that……
a. the employees are still going on strike
b. the company gave the employees fair bonuses
c. the employees were not given bonuses at all
d. the company has lost many employees
e. the employees were very dissatisfied
15. New products …… in the electronic exhibition in Jakarta Expo Centre a week ago.
a. display             c. was displaying         e. have displayed
b. displayed             d. were displayed


16. We cannot swim in the swimming pool now, because it…………….now.
a. cleans         c. is being cleaned         e. has been cleaning
b. is cleaning         d. has cleaned


17. Geologists have explained the cause of earthquakes in terms of a theory…………..as plate tectonics.
a. knows         c. which knows         e. that known
b. knowing         d. known


18. A : 'What time will the delayed plane depart?'
B : 'They say that it……………..soon.'
a. will announce         c. is to announced         e. announces
b. has announced         d. will be announced


19. A : 'I'd like to reserve a single room for next week, please.'
B : 'I'm sorry, Sir. Our hotel ………… until the end of this month.'
a. It is fully booked         c. is fully booked         e. will book
b. We booked             d. booking it fully


20. It is impossible for me to translate the book; so I had my assistant ______ it.
A. translate
B. to translate
C. translating
D. translated
E. to be translated


21. Dani : Your dress looks very nice. Did you make it yourself?
Mia : No, ______.
A. I had it make at the tailor
B. the tailor had me make it
C. I had the tailor made it
D. The tailor had it make
E. I had it made at the tailor


22. Each of the students ______ required to come on time.
A. is         D. are
B. were     E. have
C. be


23. Both of the students ______ required to come on time.
A. is         D. are
B. was         E. has
C. be


24. Neither the players nor the coach ______ satisfied with the referee decision on the
match last week
A. is         D. are
B. was         E. be
C. were


25. The bird couldn't fly because its wings were
  1. destroyed
  2. hurt
  3. damaged
  4. injured

  1. Retno and Maruti are from the same village, but they are not …
    1. related
    2. relative
    3. relation
    4. relationship

  1. … guys! We will win this game in the next tournament. Remember, failure is just a cancelled victory!
    1. take your shoes off
    2. be calm
    3. cheer up
    4. get up

  1. The collection of poems written by Chairil Anwar has been … few years ago
    1. edited
    2. issued
    3. promoted
    4. reported

  1. She's a though girl, and she will able to … the problem soon
    1. get out
    2. get rid of
    3. clear out
    4. get into

  1. You have … our family name by stealing those cheap things
    1. disgraced
    2. extended
    3. coddled
    4. cleaned














  1. A notice, no words have submitted (predicate / verb, in the form have V3
    1. E appropriate relative pronoun is 'the which'
    2. C because prior to her There preposition (to), then placed before whom
    3. E The word 'it' is an object replace 'the club' (object - not hum)
    4. B conjunction , otherwise : jika tidak
    5. A
      however : akan tetapi, key word "doesn't earn much" and "can"
    6. E
      eventhough : walaupun, key word "likes" "pretends to ignore"
    7. A
      yet : namun, there're contrasting word between good facilities and very low
    8. D
      beside : di samping itu, support the word before
  1. B (would have postponed) Past – unreal condition
  2. B (would call) Present – Unreal condition
  3. A (doesn't rain) Future-Probable Condition
  4. A (would have sold) Past – unreal condition
  5. E (the employees were very dissatisfied)
  6. D (were displayed) : be on display
  7. C (is being cleaned) : present continous tense
  8. D (known) : "which is known"=known : the muse word
  9. D (will be announced) : future tense
  10. C (is fully booked) : Confirmation of the passive sentense, to be placed after prior Verb3
  11. A who is translating logical, meaning active, use Verb1
  12. E the logical answer
  13. A (is). The word 'EACH' considered singular (he / she)
  14. D (are) Before 'of', note the word 'both' (both) are considered plural
  15. B (was). past, because no description of the time last week
  16. D
    Injured = terluka
    Destroy = damaged = rusak
    Hurt = terluka (fisik / emosional)
  17. B
    relative = saudara
    related = terhubung
    relation = relasi / teman
    relationship = hubungan



  18. D
    Get up = ayo bangun! (pembangkit semangat)
    Take your shoes off = lepas sepatumu
    Be calm = tenanglah
    Cheer up = bergenbiralah
  19. D
    Issued = diterbitkan
    Edited = diedit
    Promoted = dipromosikan
    Reported = dilaporkan


  20. B
    Get rid of = menghilangkan, menyingkirkan
    Get out = keluar
    Clear out = menjernihkan
    Get into = masuk ke dalam
  21. A
    Disgraced = mempermalukan
    Extended = memperluas
    Coddled = memanjakan
    Cleaned = membersihkan
